SIN ( Mark 8:17b ): At the tail end of this verse, You ask Your disciples if their heart’s are hardened. They saw so many miracles in-person; they were witnesses on Your behalf; they could look back and see Your amazing blessings on their lives. Why were they still struggling to believe that You would always provide for their needs? I must admit, I have lived so long with a hardened heart just as the disciples here, Father. I often become nervous when finances are tight. Although my heart has softened quite a bit throughout my faith journey, I know there are still some spots that are hardened. Please forgive me for this, Father. Help me to remember that You will always provide for my NEEDS, even in times when I feel in my flesh that times are getting tough or tight.
PROMISE ( Mark 8:31 ): In this verse not only are You giving some foresight into what’s about to happen, but You also make a bold promise to them. The foresight is that You will be rejected by all of the faith leaders at the time and that You will be killed. Your promise, however, with all of that is that You will rise again after three days. Regardless of all the negativity that would come to You, You assured them that it would not matter because You would rise again after only three days to fulfill the prophecy! Thank You, Father!
ATTITUDE ( Mark 8:17-18 ): The disciples still struggled in their faith a bit, even though they walked alongside Jesus and were witnesses to all of his amazingness. I too struggle here-and-there in my faith journey, Father, even though I can look back and see Your blessings and Your great works in my life. Help me, Father, to know when I am struggling but also to correct myself in those moments so that I no longer delve back into my flesh. Help me to combat the enemy’s attacks on me, so that I may use Your strength to get through them.
COMMAND ( Mark 8:33 ): Jesus rebukes Peter after Peter attempted to rebuke Jesus for Him talking about his inevitable suffering, death, and resurrection. Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan, because You’re not thinking about God’s concerns, but man’s!” This is such a powerful reminder of Your command to love God with all that we are. If we are putting our own concerns above Yours, then we are not truly loving You with all that we are. Help me to be better at following Your commands, Father, so that Your concerns always outweigh my own.
EXAMPLE ( Mark 8:17-21 ): Although Jesus seemed to start off a little harsh towards His disciples with asking them if their hearts were hardened, He quickly went into teacher mode. He brought to them what they the things they had witnesses with their own eyes. If our own story isn’t enough for us to see, hear, and understand, then what is enough? That is essentially what Jesus is saying to them. They have witnessed all needs always being met, even in the ridiculously large groups with minimal rations, yet they still worried about their own sustenance. I do that at times as well, Father. Thank You for this example to serve as a reminder to me.
*DAILY NOTE: It has been a few days since my last real quiet time, Father. Please forgive me for that. Although I have been in Your word, it has not been devoted to quiet times and more/less devoted to teaching the kid’s ministry at my church. Thank You for today’s quiet time. I always enjoy our conversations and I cherish our relationship. I do not know why I still struggle, but I know that I always feel relief and joy anytime You and I converse, so thank You so much for that.