SIN ( Mark 5:20 ): I will admit, I’ve been quite hesitant my entire life about sharing personal, intimate details openly with just anyone. I’m convicted by this verse, however. Even this preciously demon-possessed man whom You healed was told to share with his own people the glory and grace God showed him. Why do I struggle so much with this, Father? Please forgive me for my lackluster ability and willingness to share all You have done for me with others. Help me to be better in this area, Father. Continue to teach me Your ways so I may be better and more confident at sharing with others.
PROMISE ( Mark 5:34 ): Jesus tells the bleeding woman here that it was her faith that made her well. I see this as a promise, this morning, as well as a reminder of my life verse (Matthew 19:26) that ALL things are possible for God to those who truly believe and have a strong faith. Thank You, Father, for reminding me of this amazing promise. Nothing is outside of the realm of possibility when it comes to true, strong faith in You.
ATTITUDE ( Mark 5:39-40 ): I see an attitude in these verses that I have often displayed. Jesus, the great healer, was being laughed at when He told them the young girl was simply resting. They had no idea the great feat He was about to perform in bringing this child back to life. They laughed at even the possibility instead of having faith that it was at least a possibility. I have, at times, been cynical towards other believers in some of their statements of faith just as these people were here towards Jesus, Himself. Please help me to be better, Father. Help me to no longer laugh at some of the “out there” things some people say through their faith in You as it makes me no better than the people who laughed at Jesus in this scripture.
COMMAND ( Mark 5:19 ): Jesus tells the man whom He had just removed a demon from that He could not come with Him. He said this because his own people did not want Jesus to remain in the region after hearing about and witnessing His great miracle. This was likely due to fear, but Jesus used this healed man to sow a seed and this man understood this and did as He was commanded. I do struggle at times with being a seed sower for Your kingdom, Father. Between my lack of confidence, courage, and/or self-esteem I often find it difficult to do, but I guess it all boils down to simply my lack of strong, true faith. I see this command from You, Father. I’m still learning and growing.
EXAMPLE ( Mark 5:19-20 ): Just like many men in the Bible, this now healed man heard Your command given to him, accepted it, and immediately began taking the actions You wanted him to take. This serves as such a great, powerful example of how to live out my faith. I need to stop thinking about things so much, often talking myself out of it, and simply go forward with what the Spirit wants me to do. I need to be better at the action steps in my faith.
*DAILY NOTE: Jesus is really pushing some buttons here as He always does. The leaders of faith at the time had a great thing going as they were essentially the top dogs of society for the most-part, but they were extremely corrupt and not following the faith as You wanted them to. Jesus did things that went completely against what they were holding strong to for so many centuries and it was revealing to ALL who You really are and how You really want us to live out our faith journey. Thank You for all of this, Father. Help me to be more like Jesus and less like me and the spiritual leaders of old (even of present to an extent).