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Quiet Time in Mark 14: 1-31

Writer's picture: FilipFilip


SIN ( Conviction ): Father, today I come to You with a broken mind and broken heart.  I have been digging into my flesh and the world’s way of living far too often lately when it comes to my relationship with You.  I have been avoiding our time together and instead giving into distractions that keep me from our wonderful conversations.  Please forgive me for this, Father.  Forgive me for allowing myself to give into distractions when I know I can hear and feel the Spirit telling me I should do my quiet times.  Help me to be better, Father.

PROMISE ( Mark 14:28 ): Jesus has spoken a great promise to His disciples in this scripture.  He mentioned earlier to them about His death and burial, but now He promises them that once He is resurrected He will go ahead of them to Galilee.  He made the promise to them that His death and burial are only temporary and that He WILL be resurrected!  Thank You for this, promise and for the fulfillment of the promise.

ATTITUDE ( Mark 14:3-9 ): There was a woman who poured some very expensive fragrant oil over Jesus and a large amount of it at that.  The disciples said it could have been sold for over 300 denarii.  They saw the negative in what she was doing and could not see the positive as Jesus quickly pointed out to them.  I must admit, I’d probably have reacted in a similar fashion to the disciples has I seen someone come up to Jesus and pour a lot of fragrant oil over Him.  At first I would’ve have been shocked that she would have done such a thing without asking as the oil must’ve produced a mess, but then knowing that it was an expensive oil I likely would’ve have said similar to what the disciples said.  I would have completely looked over the great thing she was attempting to do for and to Jesus in that moment by anointing Him and preparing Him for what was about to happen.  Help me to be better at seeing the positive intent of people’s actions instead of using my negative, fleshly blinders, Father.

COMMAND ( Mark 14:6 ): Jesus says to the disciples to “leave her alone” after they started to shame and bad-mouth the woman who poured the fragrant oil over Jesus.  He said to leave her alone not because He said to, but because she was doing a noble thing for Jesus.  The command I see here today is that I don’t necessarily have to agree with what others are doing or saying if they’re doing something noble for Your kingdom which honors You and is not sinful.  I should rejoice and praise them, for their actions bring honor and glory to You.  I should not talk bad about them and I should leave them alone without bothering them in the negative way the disciples were here.  Help me to be better at following this command, Father.

EXAMPLE ( Mark 14:3-9 ): Help me to follow the example of this woman, which I believe is Mary, Father.  She used a rather expensive alabaster jar of very expensive fragrant oil to anoint Jesus.  This oil cost well over a full year’s wages to acquire, yet that didn’t bother her because of whom she was using it on.  She gave all that she could in the way she best could for Jesus in that moment to prepare Him for what was coming.  Do I give all of me to You, Father?  Sadly, I can say with certainty that I definitely do not.  I hold back; I prioritize other things above You at times; I get distracted VERY easily; I get easily obsessed with the “things” of this world; I tend to covet things in this world as well.  Help me to be better for Your kingdom, Father.

*DAILY NOTE: It’s been a bit since I’ve done a quiet time, but it feels good getting back into Your word and having a great conversation with You this morning, Father.  Thank You for all that You continue to do for my family and I, regardless of my lack of consistency in my quiet times.  Thank You for always showering me with endless love and grace, Father.  Thank You for all that You are and all that You do or do not do in this life.  I must always remember to praise You in the highs and the lows, no matter what this life brings to the table.  Thank You, Father.




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