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Quiet Time in Luke 3

Writer's picture: FilipFilip


SIN ( Luke 3:11 ): In this verse, the people ask John what they should do to be in God’s good graces.  One of the things he says to them is that the “one who has two shirts must share with someone who has none and the one who has food must do the same.”  I do have a very giving spirit and soul, Father.  I give frequently and often to those around me and I typically give in abundance, but I feel convicted this morning that I am not doing enough or maybe not doing the right type of giving according to Your will for the blessings You’ve put in my life.  Please forgive me, Father, if I have not been giving according to Your will, but my own.  Reveal to me the way You want me to server Your people in this life with the blessings You’ve given me, Father.

PROMISE ( Luke 3:16-17 ): In these two verses, Your people, whom John was speaking to and baptizing, questioned whether or not John was the Messiah.  John was very clear in these verses that he was not the Messiah, but that “One is coming who is more powerful” than John and that the One coming would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire, not with simple water like John was doing.  The promise of Jesus’ arrival comes yet again in scripture and I am well aware that this promise is fulfilled!  Thank You, Father.

ATTITUDE ( Luke 3:14b ): In the same end of this verse, John tells the soldiers to “be satisfied with your wages.”  I must admit, sometimes I feel like I should and could be making more, but at the same time I know my family and I are in a really good place.  I don’t want to harbor an attitude of greed when it comes to my wages in this life, Father.  Help me to remember that I should always be satisfied with the wages You have blessed me with, until You tell me it’s time to move on elsewhere for an increase.  Thank You, Father.

COMMAND ( Luke 3:8 ): John yells at Your people in this scripture due to their lack of repentance after being saved so often by You.  He tells them to “produce fruit consistent with repentance.”  This is very direct and very clear as to the command You are giving them.  Not only am I to live with a habit of repentance in my life for my very sinful ways, but I’m to do it in a way that produces fruit for Your kingdom.  I do not know exactly what the producing fruit piece of this looks like in my life specifically, Father, but I do know that I need to get better at more consistently living in repentance in my life.

EXAMPLE ( Luke 3:15-18 ): The people were strongly considering John was the Messiah that was prophesied in Scripture for so long and so many generations.  He could have easily used their considerations of him as the Messiah to gain so much fame, fortune and power in this moment right here.  Instead, he chose the route he knew he should take, which was the route of humility and of Your truth.  John provides such a great example of how I should not take advantage of ANY situations in this life no matter the fleshly benefits to me if it is not in Your will for me to do so according to Your truths.

*DAILY NOTE: Thank You for digging into John’s story a bit with me today, Father.  John was birthed in a way similar to Jesus, in a sense, because You enabled a barren, older couple to birth him to lead the way for Jesus.  He wasn’t born exactly like Jesus as You made that happen directly with Mary and no man involved.  He led a life very similar to Jesus in terms of his spiritual commitment to Your kingdom, even though he was not perfect like Jesus was.  He truly was the right person to “lead the way” for the One, the Messiah.  Thank You for walking me through this testimony this morning, Father.




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