SIN ( Conviction ): Last night, I gave into my flesh instead of listening to the Holy Spirit. All the struggles my marriage is going through right now should have helped me resist the temptation, but I chose not to. Even in her pursuit of divorce from me, she asked for sex last night and I felt like I wasn’t even the one she was having sex with last night. I felt like I was just an observer in the room. I felt dirty, used, ashamed, and emasculated immediately afterwards, Father. You always know what’s best for me and I didn’t listen to You when I was convicted to say no. Please forgive me for this, Father. Forgive me for giving into the flesh last night, but also for wanting reconciliation between my wife and I so much that I am blinded to her being so lost in her relationship with You and me that she will likely never give into reconciliation with either of us. I pray this isn’t true, but I feel like she has already decided that she wants to go back to her old life at all costs, even if it means losing everything we’ve built together over the last 17 years. Help us, Father.
PROMISE ( Luke 19:10 ): Your promise here is so very timely. Thank You, Father. Your promise is that the mission is to seek and save the lost. I am so lost right now and have been for my entire life. I look back and see that You have ALWAYS been seeking me and I am so grateful for that, Father. Thank You so much for this promise.
ATTITUDE ( Luke 19:17 ): Today, I see You want me to change my attitude of faithfulness towards what You’ve given me, Father. I do struggle with this at times, so I am grateful that You are reminding me of this today. Thank You.
COMMAND ( Luke 19:46 ): This is such a powerful reminder to me. My house has fallen to shambles as of late. I have failed on so many levels as the leader of the blessing You’ve given me, Father. Help me to follow this command in building up my home as a home of prayer far better than I have, so that my household may become vigilant and protective against the den of thieves.
EXAMPLE ( Luke 19:39-40) Jesus always gives such powerful examples to live by when I read through the Gospels. Here, the Pharisees are seeing what’s going on and hearing the words being spoken loudly about Jesus as He enters Jerusalem leading up to His eventual crucifixion. The Pharisees tell Him to basically get His people in check and shut them up. Jesus, however, essentially tells them that He will do no such thing because what they are doing is right. I’m sure this displeased the Pharisees tremendously as they aren’t used to a Jew going completely against what they say. They’re so used to holding all the power and Jesus made them feel powerless by simply placing God at the forefront of all that He is and all that He did. Thank You for Jesus’ powerful testimony, Father.
*DAILY NOTE: As You are well aware, Father, right now I am extremely broken. My marriage is falling apart both due to my own issues, but mostly due to the massive attacks on my wife by the enemy and her refusal to recognize it for what it is and fight back. Help me to become the man You want and expect me to be, Father, because my children need me now more than ever. Help me to truly do what is right for my family, even if it means departing from my marriage and fighting to take my kids with me. Guide me and strengthen me for what is to come, Father, because right now I feel so lost and broken. Thank You for always seeking me for the purpose of saving me from myself, Father. I love You.