SIN ( Luke 18:43 ): I must confess that I was convicted by this verse, but not because of their praise. I am convicted because they praised Jesus after witnessing a miracle from Him. Why do we often only offer You praise when we witness a miracle or blessing from You, Father? I am guilty of this. I should be praising You always, no matter if You’ve done something in that moment or not, yet I find myself sometimes falling into the mindset of praising in return for something You did. Please forgive me for this, Father. Help me to be a better follower of You, Father.
PROMISE ( Luke 18:31-34 ): Jesus pulls His disciples aside and reveals to them the seriousness about the things to come from a promise made in scripture long ago which they should know. They did not understand the meaning of this promise nor the impact, but they will find out soon enough. Thank You for such an amazing promise of sacrifice for me and everyone ever, Father.
ATTITUDE ( Luke 18:8 ): I find this to be a very powerful verse and reminder. Jesus knows that He will make a very painful sacrifice for mankind. Here He is referencing that sacrifice when He asks them if the Son of Man will find the same faith on earth, which He doesn’t since He is essentially tortured to death by those claiming to be the faithful. Help me to fully embrace my faith, Father, so that I may be a slave to You in all things and so that You may find faith on this earth through me.
COMMAND ( Luke 18:14 ): Humility seems to be a common topic anytime Jesus is speaking or described by others. Such a powerful reminder in this command to seek and embody humility in my life daily. I know I struggle with this a bit, so please keep working in me and reminding me of places I can improve, Father.
EXAMPLE ( Luke 18:19 ): Jesus was the embodiment of walking in humility. Here someone called Him good and He quickly asked why and stated that only God is good. Obviously Jesus was man and God at the same time here, so I believe He was referencing His flesh here. He knows that the flesh is struck with sin and only through God can we be made good. Thank You for such a great example to live by in Jesus, Father.
*DAILY NOTE: As always, such a great conversation with You in my quiet time, Father. I’m so grateful for all You have done for me and I praise You both in the sunshine and the middle of the storm. Continue Your great works in me, Father. Continue to teach me Your ways so that I may know Your truth and put that above anything else always. Thank You, Father.