SIN ( Luke 13:13-16 ): I must confess from conviction after reading this verse. They were trying to say that Jesus was in the wrong for healing on the Sabbath day, but Jesus quickly responded with hypocrites. I too am a hypocrite in my faith at times. I often give great spiritual advice to others, but fail to always take it into my heart with consistency for myself. Please forgive me for this, Father. Help me to get a better grasp on consistency.
PROMISE ( Luke 13:30 ): Your promise here is that this world does not dictate our entrance into Your kingdom. Someone who is considered to be at the bottom could be first if their faith is strong and the same for the inverse as well.
ATTITUDE ( Luke 13:15-16 ): Getting back to these verses, I feel this is an attitude adjustment I need to make as well. I sometimes find myself in a legalistic mindset in my faith. I criticize others at time when they do something I may not agree with, but it’s not sinful. Please help me to understand why I am this way, Father.
COMMAND ( Luke 13:24 ): Although Jesus IS the way into Your kingdom, here we hear Jesus telling them to at least attempt to follow the commands to enter through the narrow door. This tells me we should always be trying to follow the old rules knowing that if we fail, Jesus has our back.
EXAMPLE ( Luke 13:8-9 ): These verses give such a powerful example of how we’re to live out our faith. Essentially I interpret this as saying if we aren’t producing Your fruit in our lives then we need to feed our foundation properly with You and Your truth to produce the fruit. WOW!
*DAILY NOTE: Today was an interesting read but a great one as always. I found it interesting how many parables were in the chapter and how great of lessons they were for me as I now understand how to look at and interpret, to an extent, some of the seemingly confusing parables He gives us. Thank You, Father.