SIN ( Luke 12:12 ): This verse struck a chord on my heart this morning, Father. I must admit, I do struggle to listen to the Holy Spirit quite often in my life. I hear and feel the Spirit guiding me, but I tend to default to a fleshly response or give into the enemy’s words. Please forgive me for this, Father. Help me to be better at following the Spirit’s guidance and to hear the Spirit louder than any other voice.
PROMISE ( Luke 12:40 ): In this verse You elude to a promise of Your return. You tell us to always be prepared because we have no clue when Your return will be. Thank You for the promise of Your return, Father. This gives me hope that one day this broken world will receive the healing it so desperately needs.
ATTITUDE ( Luke 12:25-26 ): Such a powerful reminder here about my worry and anxiety that I often dwell in. Worry and anxiety can’t fix anything. NOTHING! So, why do I give into it so frequently, Father? I am weak in this attitude, Father. Please help me to grow stronger in You so that I no longer delve into worry and anxiety so much in this life.
COMMAND ( Luke 12:34 ): Such a powerful reminder in this verse. Whatever I treasure in this life is where my heart will be. My heart is not 100% in You, Father, so I guess that’s why I get disappointed by unmet expectations and delve into worry and anxiety so often. Your command to me this morning is to work on my heart so that it is fully focused on You, so that all my treasures are in You and Your Kingdom.
EXAMPLE ( Luke 12:11-12 ): Jesus provides such a powerful example here for me. I often get nervous when speaking around others about faith in general. I hear the Spirit guiding me to say something, but I give into the flesh and sit in silence or give a very fleshly response. This is not living in the example You provided here, however. You tell us not to worry about speaking to others about You because the Spirit will always provide the words to say if I’m willing to listen in those moments.
*DAILY NOTE: As You’re well aware, I’ve been struggling quite a bit the last several months. I’ve been so worried about my wife and her mental and spiritual well-being that I’ve neglected my own and allowed myself to go back into a depression. Thank You for always being there for me to pull me out of my junk and failures in this life, Father. I still pray that You move in my wife’s heart and help bring her back to You. I also pray this morning for You to work in me, Father, so I can be the man, husband, and father You expect me to be and the one I was starting to become. Thank You for the great wisdom and encouragement this morning.