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Quiet Time in Jeremiah 44

Writer's picture: FilipFilip

Updated: Mar 16, 2022




SIN (verse 16): Just like the stubbornness of Your people thousands of years ago, I too have lived in stubbornness towards Your will for my life. Forgive me for my stubbornness, Father. Forgive me for often not listening to Your words and Your truths for my life and instead listening to my own flesh, the enemy, or the world. Please forgive me for giving into those so easily and refusing Your will for my life so often. Help me to remember in those times that I want to be stubborn that Your will for my life is always the better path for me to take, even if I cannot see the bigger picture in the moment; even if it seems in the moment like the more difficult path.


PROMISE (verses 8, 23): In this verse, You made a promise to Your people that all of their rebellion and disobedience will surely be met with death, destruction, famine, and embarrassment. You gave them and their ancestors MANY opportunities to change their ways, yet they chose to stay in their disobedient lifestyles. Literally a generational issue that no single generation was willing to resolve. Although You are a loving God towards us and want our free will to align with a love for You, at the same time You are also our Father in Heaven. Just like Fathers on this earth, You too also must discipline Your children if they are disobedient. The number of chances You gave Your people is far more than I would have as a father to my own children, so I thank You so much for Your patience with Your people, Father. Thank You for always knowing the best for us, even though we often struggle to listen to You.


ATTITUDE (verse 10): Unfortunately, I have lived my life since coming to faith very similar to those who claim to be Your people in this Scripture. Just like them, I too have an issue with not only following Your instructions, but also with my lack of humbleness. I often live in my pride and ego, thinking my way is the best and sometimes even the only way. I often get angry and/or defensive when my worth is challenged or I have no control over a situation. Help me to truly embrace and live in an attitude of humbleness, Father. Not of a worldly humble attitude, but one of Yours. Help me to embrace Your Spirit of being humble, so that I can overflow with this in my daily walk in this life, Father.


COMMAND (verses 4-5): This command You sent to Your people through messengers multiple times, yet they failed to obey You time and time again, through multiple generations. You commanded them to stop doing the detestable things You hate, but they failed to listen; they failed to turn from their evil ways. Remind me to not be like Your people in this Scripture, Father. First and foremost, give me Your righteous discernment to know when someone is being put in my life with a message from You. Once I realize the message is truly from You, help me to embrace Your messenger’s message so that I can live my life in a way that is pleasing to You.


EXAMPLE (verses 4, 9-10, 21-23): In these verses, You showed us just how patient You are with us, Father. You sent messengers and reminded Your people many times over the course of several generations that they were disobeying You and angering You. Just like an earthly father, there comes a time where discipline for disobedience must occur. As I said before, You consistently show far more grace towards Your children than I have come even remotely close to showing for my own children. Thank You so much for Your grace, patience, and understanding, Father, but also thank You so much for Your faithfulness and discipline. Without these, we would truly be lost and in far worse of a situation in this life than we even currently are. Although this life does have its problems due to our brokenness, I can’t imagine how bad it would be without You guiding, mentoring, counseling, and sometimes disciplining us along the way. Thank You, Father.


*DAILY NOTE: Jeremiah 44 really was like looking in a mirror of myself and my life since coming to faith. I have been quite disobedient and rebellious towards Your will for my life throughout this journey. I have heard many instructions from You along the way yet failed to embrace them and turn from my evil ways. Thank You for not only remaining faithful to me, Father, but also for showing me so much grace and patience throughout my walk with You in this life. Thank You for being the perfect Father to me even though I have been a far from perfect child of Yours.




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