SIN (verse 8): For the majority of my life since coming to faith, I have done pretty much the opposite of this verse. Paul writes that we should not do anything against Your truth, but only for Your truth. I have sinned against Your truth countless times, Father, yet You consistently show me grace through it all. I have tried so hard to always do things on my own and in my own way, yet You have proven to me time-and-time again that You were by my side through all of my mistakes just waiting on me to turn to You. Please forgive me for my selfishness and immaturity, Father. Forgive me for being so stubborn in thinking that my way and my own strength are better than Yours in those moments. Continue to teach me Your ways and Your truth, Father, so that as I continue to mature in my faith I will do things for Your truth instead of against it.
PROMISE (verse 4): You promise us in this verse that Christ was crucified in weakness to fulfill the promise of a sacrifice for redemption towards ALL of our sins. You also promise in this verse that He lives because of, through, and with God’s power. I am so grateful for this promise to me, Father. Jesus died for my sins as the perfect sacrifice, but then he rose again and continues to live for my redemption and salvation. Thank You so much for this amazing promise to Your followers, because with the amazing life, death, and rebirth of Christ I would definitely be a lost soul for eternity. This is a debt I can never repay, but one that I am grateful to have.
ATTITUDE (verse 11): I have struggled to live in and embrace the attitude You speak of in this verse, Father. You tell us to live in a way that we become mature, are encouraged, be of the same mind, and are at peace. For most of my spiritual journey I have been extremely immature, discouraged, embraced a conflicting mindset, and held onto my anger and irritability for a LONG time. I know that through You and the newborn again identity You’ve given me, all of these things are part of my old self and not my new self if I allow You to truly work in me. Continue to work in me, Father, so that I may embrace Your amazing love and peace. Continue to remind me when I am being stubborn or selfish, that Your way and Your identity for me are bigger and better than my past.
COMMAND (verse 5): I probably do not do this nearly enough in my spiritual journey. You command us to examine and test ourselves in our faith. I’m not quite sure exactly how we are to go about this self-examination, but I feel the deeper I get into Your word and into relationship with You, more will be revealed to me. Maybe that is the actual examination and test—how deep and committed is my relationship with You? Do You want me to be more involved in my faith or is my spiritual growth on the right path? Help me to know what Your will for my life is, Father. Continue to teach me Your ways, so that I may become a more spiritual and righteous person in this life for the purpose of praising and glorifying You through all things.
EXAMPLE (verses 11-12): These two verses give such a powerful example of how we are to be living out our faith with each other. We should live with a rejoicing attitude. We should always be intent about become more spiritually mature. We should always feel encouragement by and from You. All of Your followers should be of the same mind. We should be at peace (I know this is a struggle of mine). And through all of that, Your love and peace will be with us. Help me to be better at recognizing my struggles in my faith, Father. Help me to be better at recognizing when I am not living out my faith according to Your will for my life. Help me to be better at living in and truly embracing Your peace and Your love towards me, so that both of them will fill me to the point that it overflows to those around me. All praise and glory be to You, Father, for how far along I’ve come in my spiritual journey lately.
*DAILY NOTE: These letters from Paul to the Corinthians has been an absolutely amazing journey for me personally. The growth I’ve experienced and felt through these letters has been far more than I could ask for. The lessons You’ve taught me through these letters are ones that I will continue to learn from and build on for years to come. There is so much content, lessons, convictions, examples, and testimonies in these letters that I can not possibly understand all of it right now, so I will assume that Corinthians will likely be an annual quiet time for me, Father. My relationship with You has grown tremendously over these last few weeks in Corinthians and even more so in these last several months since beginning my quiet times with You. I am so grateful for all of the changes You’re making in my heart and soul. Without You, I would likely still be stuck in my depression, anger, irritability, and isolation; I would likely be divorced and struggling even more with my spiritual journey and life in general than ever before. Thank You so much for Your amazing grace, love, and peace that You have blessed me with more times than I can count, Father.