SIN (verse 6): This verse reminds me of when Jesus was speaking to all of the men that surrounded the prostitute and wanted to stone her. He agreed with them that it was the punishment based on the Old Testament, but that the one who has lived a sinless life be the first to cast a stone. All the men eventually walked away and Jesus showed her grace by dropping the stone out of his hand beside her. I feel this is a sin confession for me, because I often judge others for their sin, not recognizing that I am always a sinner. I have not lived a sinless life by any stretch of the imagination, so who am I to try and judge or punish others who sin differently from me? Please forgive me for this self-righteous attitude of mine, Father. Help me to be better at showing Your grace towards others for their sin as I too am a sinner.
PROMISE (verse 18): The promise you make here is concerning our own “atta boy” statements towards ourselves at times. You promise us that commending ourselves is not the approved way, because only when You commend us are our actions approved. Help me to embrace this promise, Father, so that my actions, thoughts, and way of living are commended and approved by You; not by me, not by those around me, and not by the world. Your approval is all that matters in this life and I need to begin to embrace that promise that You’ve given for approval in this life, so that I no longer liver in a way that seeks the approval of others.
ATTITUDE (verses 4b-5): The attitude You talk about in this verse is definitely a struggle of mine in this life. You tell us to embrace an attitude that demolishes arguments and that takes every thought captive to obey Christ. Unfortunately, I have often lived in an argumentative attitude in this life, not for Your glory, but due to my own selfishness. I have argued just to argue at times and that is not what You have called me to do. You tell me to demolish arguments; to take those negative thoughts that do not honor You captive, so that I may obey You not only in my spoken word but also in my thoughts. Help me to live in Your way better, Father, as this is a big struggle of mine.
COMMAND (verse 17): Kind of piggybacking off the promise I read earlier in verse 18, this verse also goes in the same direction but I feel this is more of a direct command to us. You tell us that the one who boasts MUST boast in the Lord. This command not only keeps our focus on You, but also condemns any boasting we do of ourselves. It refocuses our thoughts, words, and actions to be centered around You instead of ourselves. Thank You for helping keep me focused on You, Father. Although I am very stubborn and do struggle quite often with keeping my focus on You, I am grateful that through my quiet times You are faithful in refocusing me when I need it.
EXAMPLE (verses 10-11): I love this example You give us about the letters Paul is writing to Corinth. He says that the letters are weighty and powerful, but then goes on to say at the end of the next verse that what they are in the words of their letters when not in-person are the same as what their actions will be when they are in-person. Essentially, he is saying that both his written words and his in-person actions are aligned with Your will and that they will not be able to tell the difference whether he is present or not. This example shows me that we must have our hearts and minds aligned with You in all ways so that ALL that we do is the same and for Your glory, not our own. Thank You for this amazing example, Father.
*DAILY NOTE: Today’s scripture definitely spoke to my heart. I struggle with judgment, I struggle with negativity, I struggle with self-righteous, and I struggle with being the same Godly man in all situations whether written or spoken. You spoke to every single one of these struggles today, Father. Thank You for the powerful and emotional lesson in today’s conversation and quiet time. Thank You for continuing to not only show me grace, but also continuing to convict me here-and-there of things I need to work on and change. This relationship I’ve grown with You through my quiet times has been a true blessing and I am so grateful for all that You have done for me, Father.