SIN ( 1 Kings 7 ): Today, my conviction lies essentially in this entire chapter, Father. King Solomon took great care in ensuring the quality of the things he made to honor and glorify your kingdom were of the highest quality possible at the time. Even his home was built to a high standard and decorated the same way. Based on the names he would give the various things and places, I can tell it was all to glorify You, Father. The name Jachin means “He will establish” and the name Boaz means “In Him is strength.” My sin confession today, Father, is that I have not done even remotely close to the same with even my own household. I have failed to truly honor and glorify you in my kingdom on this earth. I need to be better at this, so please provide me some direction, Father. Help me to know where I should begin and what I should do in my home to glorify You further.
PROMISE ( 1 Kings 7:21 ): The promise I see in today’s scripture is actually in the meaning behind a single word which was used in this verse—Boaz. Boaz means “in Him is strength.” My life verse is Matthew 19:26 and in this verse Jesus tells the disciples essentially that with man these things are impossible but with God all things are possible. This word, Boaz, reaffirms this as a promise. It tells me that in my own strength these things are impossible, but in You is the strength I need to do great things for Your kingdom, Father. Help me to remember this promise, but also to embrace it fully in my life.
ATTITUDE ( 1 Kings 7 ): My attitude adjustment today that I am getting from scripture is that I need to be better at glorifying You in this life, Father. Solomon went to great lengths to establish so many things during his kingship to glorify You and he didn’t minimize the quality for anything. Help me to be kingdom-focused like Solomon, but also to remember to glorify You with all that I am, all that I do, and all that You have entrusted to me in my possession.
COMMAND ( 1 Kings 7:21 ): Again, a single word in scripture is speaking loudly to me. The word is Jachin, which means “He will establish.” I need to stop relying on my own understanding and my own strength to accomplish things in this life. I need to stop trying to be in control all the time and allow You to work Your will for my life. I need to stop trying to establish things on my own because You will establish, as the meaning of the word says. Help me to be better at going to and leaning on You to establish things in my life, Father.
EXAMPLE ( 1 Kings 7 ): Once again, I am brought back to this entire chapter as a great example to live by. Solomon knew the resources You provided, but also knew that he should do everything within his power and influence to glorify Your kingdom fully. He was fully committed to glorifying You through these buildings, temples, and such. I need to be better at this same thing in my own life. Thank You for providing such a great example to me in Solomon’s commitment to glorifying Your kingdom, Father.
*DAILY NOTE: Although today’s scripture had quite a bit of discussions concerning the topic of building, the specs of those builds, and the resources used for those builds I received so much out of it from You when I began “digger deeper” into what You were saying to me. I am still learning, Father, but I know that You are a patient Father as well as the best teacher so I am here to learn from You so I can become a better man in this life for You, for myself, for my wife, for my family, and for all those I interact with daily. Thank You, Father.