SIN ( Conviction ): Father, today my heart is heavy and I’m feeling emotional. I led a Brother’s Keeper’s event last night on Quiet Times. The conviction I heard from You is “what took you so long?” You’ve given me so many great tools, abilities, and insight, yet I have kept much of it inside of me instead of sharing with the world. I’ve felt and heard You try to push me towards writing a book or possibly multiple books, yet I have lacked the courage to actually go forward with it, Father. It is a scary thing to think about for me personally, because if I create a book, then who I truly was is out there for the world to see. Please forgive me for this anxiety, fear, and rebellion against Your plans for me, Father. Help me to remember that the person I was is NOT who I am today. Help me to remember that if it is Your plan for me, then I have absolutely nothing to fear because You are navigating my steps to glorify Your kingdom. If I remain kingdom-focused, then all things will work together for Your good. Thank You for this deep conviction in my heart today, Father. I’ve been an emotional wreck today as a result, but I guess that’s what I truly needed to get my butt in gear.
PROMISE ( 1 Kings 6:11-13 ): Today, You are emphasizing to Solomon the promise You made to his father, David. The promise is that if Solomon walks in Your statues, observes Your ordinances, and keeps Your commands by walking in them, then You will continue to fulfill this promise by living amongst the Israelites and not abandoning them. That is a lot of pressure on Solomon’s shoulders because essentially it is up to him to navigate the fulfillment of this promise. As long as he keeps his mind and heart kingdom-focused and kingdom-driven, then all things will work out for him, Your people, and Your kingdom.
ATTITUDE ( 1 Kings 6:38 ): Solomon was devoted to honoring and walking in Your command to him no matter how long it took or how much it would cost. It took over 7 years from start to finish for him to complete the temple in Your name. That is a LONG time to commit to in order to follow through with what You convicted and commanded him to do, Father. That’s a lot of patience, but also dedication to Your kingdom and glorifying You no matter what it takes. Help me to embrace these attitudes in my own heart, Father, so that I do not grow weary in following Your path for my life. Help me to embrace these attitudes in my own heart, Father, so that I press through on writing something for the world no matter how long it takes.
COMMAND ( 1 Kings 6:38 ): From this verse, I see a command from You of commitment. I need to commit to Your conviction laid on my heart last night and this morning, but that I’ve been hearing whispers about and ignoring for far too long. I need to commit to writing a book for Your kingdom and Your glory to share with the world. Help me to navigate this endeavor, Father, but also help me to make sure I am glorifying You throughout it all and not myself. Help me to keep You as the focus, Father.
EXAMPLE ( 1 Kings 6 ): This entire chapter is really a great example of commitment to glorifying Your kingdom. Solomon was commanded by You, through a promise to his father, to build a temple in Your name. He could have built something super simple, quick, and easy in a few weeks or maybe even months at the most. He could have used the least expensive materials possible to build up this temple. He didn’t do any of that because he was fully committed to glorifying You and Your kingdom through this temple in Your name. He used the best laborers for each task, he used the best materials he knew of back then, he took time to ensure that every details was perfect for glorifying Your kingdom, and he ensured that no matter how long it took that it would be completed in a way that portrays to the best of his ability and resources his love for You. He didn’t hold back and he didn’t delay in following through. Such an amazing testimony!
*DAILY NOTE: Father, I’m in my feels today after the Brother’s Keeper’s event last night on Quiet Times. I’m in my feels because I feel like I now know what You have been wanting me to do for quite some time and I’m scared; I’m nervous; I’m anxious; I’m worried. I shouldn’t be any of these things because if it’s Your plan for me then I should be motivated to leap forward into committing to it just as Solomon did with the temple in Your name. Help me to know and remember the reason for the journey You have me on, Father. Help me to navigate the waters of this world to bring Your journey to fruition in my lifetime, Father. Thank You for the amazing quiet time today, but also the convictions and revelations that You’ve laid on my heart in the last 12 hours. It has been powerful for me and I need to take the next steps to move forward with this in a positive way which glorifies Your kingdom. Thank You.