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Quiet Time in 1 Corinthians 9

Writer's picture: FilipFilip




SIN (verse 10): Even though I believe this is my first time hearing this particular verse, I have struggled living in this way for pretty much my entire life, even since coming to faith. You tell us to sow with hope, but also to reap what we sow not only for our benefit but also for the benefit of those around us. I have lived a rather selfish life for a long time, Father. Although I am becoming better at this nowadays, I do still struggle with my selfishness at times. Please forgive me for this. Help me to be better at living in Your hope in all that I do, so that the things that I do glorify and expand Your kingdom and not myself.


PROMISE (verse 23): A very short verse that holds such a powerful promise to us. You say that if we do all these things which You want us to do, that we will become a partner of the Gospel’s benefits! WOW! Help me to truly understand and embrace this promise, Father. Help me to live in a way that glorifies You through all things, so that I may become a partner in the receiving of the Gospel’s benefits! Anything You grant me is FAR greater than anything I may receive in this life from the world, so I need to remember that my rewards and benefits from Your kingdom should always be the goal I strive for in this life.


ATTITUDE (verse 27): Help me with this particular verse, Father. I often do things in my own broken ways and live in an attitude of selfishness and pride. In this verse, however, You tell us to maintain discipline and strict control over ourselves, so that all that we do is for Your kingdom and not for our selfish and sinful ways. Help me to be better at living in a righteous attitude towards my actions in this life, Father, so that I do not disqualify myself in the things that I do in this life.


COMMAND (verse 24): You would think this command would be built into my daily default with how competitive I typically am, but for some reason I struggle so much with this in my faith. You tell us to run our race in a way that we are winners. You tells us that not all who run the race win the prize, except for the winners. I know this and live this way in some aspects of my life as I am competitive, but I do struggle with this in my faith race for some reason. Help me to be better at accepting and approaching my faith in a way that is lives in the “winner” mindset so that I may do better at glorifying You through all that I am. Help me to lead the race and cross the finish line as Your champion in my faith, Father.


EXAMPLE (verses 19-22): Such a powerful example and mental picture You have given me here to understand how I am to relay Your Gospel to others in this life. I can “mold” myself to become what others need in order to truly hear Your word and be saved without actually losing my own righteousness. I can become like those that are weak without disgracing my own salvation, so that they may be saved. I can live in a way that others will be attracted to my ways of living and the words that I speak, without diminishing my own faith. Thank You for this great example to live by, Father, so that I may learn how to better spread Your Gospel and save more people that I come across in my life.


*DAILY NOTE: There’s an old saying that likely originated from Your word but has been used by many in this world regardless of their beliefs—you reap what you sow. I am a prime example of this, because I have been sowing poorly in my life for quite some time. I have sown many fruits of the flesh into my life, which have reaped many flesh-related issues as a result. If I am a farmer and I plant a grape seed but expect tomatoes, then I will be greatly disappointed. The same applies to my life. If I plant a seed of anger or irritability and expect to reap happiness and joy in my life, then I will also be greatly disappointed. Help me to be a better spiritual farmer of my life, Father, so that the things I plant/sow in this life are through You, by You, and for You in order for the reaping to be that of Your kingdom’s blessings.



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