I do want to apologize to all those who read this for not posting any of my quiet times in the last year. It has been quite the year for my family and I, leaving me to be very stressed and not have enough time to continue posting my quiet times to this website. I also didn't even notice that the domain renewal expired due to my payment info needing to be updated, so thankfully nobody took this domain name in the month or so it was expired.
I do plan on resuming the quiet time posts to this blog, so please be patient with me but also excited because I will be active again soon. In order to be able to keep up a bit better, I will likely begin my quiet times with the quiet times I finished off on and then continuing on, so the season I'm in in life may not necessarily match exactly with the quiet time you're reading, but I feel it's important to still share my entire journey and not take bits and pieces out of it simply because I failed to be able to upload in a timely manner. Once I get things figured out properly on how I want to proceed moving forward with a little less effort on the posting side to make things more time efficient, you will start seeing the daily blog posts again.
Thank you so much for sticking with me through these trials of life. Stay blessed.